The Trent University community joined faculty and students at Lakefield College School (LCS) for “An Exchange of Ideas” with Chancellor Tom Jackson on Tuesday, November 6, featuring a panel discussion on social responsibility.
“This was a great example of collaboration among Lakefield College School's Marsden Circles, Chancellor Tom Jackson’s Dreamcatcher Series, and the Alumni Affairs Office bringing communities together around a common purpose,” noted Lee Hays, director of Alumni Affairs at Trent University.
Dr. Kathryn Norlock, Trent University’s chair in Ethics joined the chancellor on the panel, along with Elder and Professor Emeritus Shirley Williams from the Department of Indigenous Studies and Libby Dalrymple, LCS faculty.
“With the opportunity to watch and listen to community leaders such as Tom Jackson and Shirley Williams these youth can see for themselves that they don’t have to choose between leaders and people who are socially responsible,” said Professor Norlock. “Sometimes these people can be one and the same.”
The panel discussion was a lively one, featuring some of the brightest minds of both institutions, on a wide variety of issues including the social responsibility of corporations, the government handling of First Nations Residential School apologies, and the role of women in politics.
The wide-ranging conversation was moderated by Maurice Switzer, an alumnus of LCS and member of Trent’s original class, currently director of communications for the Union of Ontario Indians.
According to Ms. Dalrymple, Trent alumna and modern languages teacher at LCS, there were a lot of Trent graduates in attendance. “There is a rich tradition of Trent alumni making their way just up the road to Lakefield,” she said. “And I think they are all interested in seeing closer ties with their alma mater.”
“The instructors at both institutions share the same passion. As like-minded educators, they all have resources to share with one another. Events like this allow for excellent networking, increase the likelihood of future programming, and open the door for further opportunities for students to gain truly memorable experiences.”
Posted on Tuesday, November 13, 2012.