
Kelly Manweiler

BKelly Manweilerurlington, Ontario

At Trent University, Kelly Manweiler found what she was looking for. As a person who “loves thinking and questioning,” Kelly says that “Trent offered me new avenues of intellectual exploration.”

Kelly started her Trent education in the International Development Studies program but eventually moved into Sociology “because it allowed me to better address my interests,” she says. “My professors were supportive and encouraged me to challenge myself, which I am very grateful for.”

Now as a graduate of the Sociology program, Kelly looks back on her time at Trent with fondness and appreciation.

“My time at Trent has provided me with the tools of thought and an expanded vision of the world, which will help me in any path I choose,” she says. “The memories I will take from Trent are those of the relationships I made during my time here. My time here has provided me with much new information and new ways of ‘seeing’, which I will always carry with me.”

As an employee of Parks Canada for many years, Kelly is looking forward to working with them again. In particular, she will be creating educational programs and interpretive opportunities for youth. With her passion for learning, however, Kelly isn’t ruling out a return to the world of academia later down the road.

“At some point I could see myself being a professor, and sharing my passion for learning,” she says. “I believe we are all teachers and students throughout our everyday experience and I strive to learn what I can from each opportunity and situation, and to also be aware of the lessons I can share. I look forward to whatever life has to offer.”