
2012 Graduate Profiles

Graeme Young, M.Sc. Applications of Modelling in Natural and Social Sciences, Thompson MB

Graeme Young’s glimmer of interest in the creation of computer games during his high school years has developed into a passion for developing complex software that can be of used within a wide variety of disciplines. A special interest in the use of evolutionary algorithms as a problem-solving tool, and related biological processes, has sparked his desire to contribute to diverse areas within the natural and social sciences.

What are your future goals and how will you make a difference with your Trent degree?
In the future, I definitely hope to give back to the environment that I have gained so much from. I would like to be able to be a part of the education process and provide guidance for the next generation of computer programmers. Having a M.Sc. will enable me to accomplish just that at the post-secondary level.

Why did you choose Trent?
Trent has a fantastic environment for learning, not only for access to the best educational resources possible but also for being a welcoming and comfortable setting. Trent University has excellent articulation agreements with Sir Sandford Fleming College. This agreement allowed me to transfer my college credits towards my university degree, thus shortening the time required to graduate with a B.Sc.  This was an immensely attractive option for me.

What is the best thing about studying at Trent?
The size of the campus, the ability to communicate with professors directly, and the environment fostered by a small and closely-knit university community.

I am amazed at the change in perspective that is possible when you look back over your academic career and dissect all of the experiences that you have had. I had a glimmer of interest in computer programming as far back as high school, when I encountered an assignment where we had to create a computer game using Turbo Pascal. I came to view software development as a viable career, but not necessarily a passion. Becoming a graduate student, and subsequently finding employment as a software developer, has changed my perspective yet again. I have come to realize that programming is a passion for me, and I am very lucky to be able to get paid for doing this. Some days it is frustrating, some days it is extremely challenging, but I never dread coming to work.
Extracurricular activities:
Student representative on AMINSS Executive Committee (2009-2010)

Awards and Scholarships received at Trent University:

  • Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) from NSERC, 2009-2010