Research: People - Copyright © 2019 - Nancie Im-Bolter - All rights reserved









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                              Durham GTA

Lab Coordinators

Amy Peverley, M.A. (

Amy completed her M.A. in Developmental Psychology at Trent University. Her graduate thesis investigated students’ preferences for either traditional print textbooks or contemporary e-textbooks, the reasons for this preference, and how this relates to student characteristics. Amy coordinates lab and research activities among the research assistants, practicum students, honours thesis students, graduate students, and volunteers.  Amy is also Data Analysis Coordinator for the Community and Social Services Department in the county of Northumberland.

Keely Owens-Jaffray, M.A. (

Keely completed her M.A in the AMOD program at Trent University with an emphasis in Psychology. Her Master's thesis focused on the relation between language and social cognition in a sample of younger and older school-aged children. She is currently working towards the completion of her Ph.D. through the Trent-Queens Graduate Developmental Psychology program where Dr. Im-Bolter continues to be her primary supervisor. Her Ph.D. thesis examines social problem solving, executive function, and affect in adolescents and young adults. Keely works as a course demonstrator for the Department of Psychology at the Durham GTA campus, co-coordinates lab and research activities with Amy, and also spends time conducting psychoeducational assessments for Nelson Publishing.

Previous Lab Coordinators


Project Coordinators/Psychometrists

Katharine Bailey, M.A. (

Kathie is returning to Trent as a Ph.D. student in the Trent-Queens Graduate Developmental Psychology program under the primary supervision of Dr. Im-Bolter. She holds a both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts degree in psychology from Trent University. Her master’s thesis focused on social problem solving and language in middle childhood and early adolescence. While Kathie has numerous research interests, she is particularly interested in the development of social cognitive skills in children with atypical development. She is currently working on a project that examines the relation between language, executive function, and social cognition in children with epilepsy.


  • Language, Executive Function, and Social Cognition in Children with Epilepsy

Logan Hamer (

Logan is a fifth year psychology major (B.Sc.) who is interested in the field of Adolescent Psychology. His honours thesis examines empathy, self-esteem, and social problem solving in adolescents and young adults. Logan plans on pursuing a master's degree after completing his honours thesis. Logan is also co-coordinating the Social Cognition Study (with Jonathan) and is responsible for testing, test training, scoring, and transcription.


  • Social Cognition in Adolescents and Young Adults

Michelle Ryken (

Michelle is an Honours BSc Psychology student at Trent who plans to complete a masters degree in Psychology or related field upon graduation. Michelle has basic training in intensive behavioural intervention following the principles of applied behavioural analysis. In addition to this, she has worked with a diverse range of individuals ranging from infant to geriatric. Her research interests are in behavioural, developmental, and cognitive areas in both typical and atypical development. She is looking forward to completing her undergraduate thesis under the supervisor of Dr. Im-Bolter.


  • Number without Language? Developmental Pathways Among Language, Numeracy, and Executive Function

Janice Shewan, B.A. (

Janice Shewen is completing her second year of her M.Sc. in Developmental Psychology program at Trent University. Her previous post secondary education includes a B.A. in Psychology and English at York University and Teacher Certification at D’Youville College in Buffalo, New York. Janice has been a Teacher with the Toronto District School Board in the Elementary Division for over a decade. With the new skills and learning experiences the M.Sc. will afford, Janice hopes to adjunct her professional life in education and pursue a new role within the board of education focusing on special education and the psycho-educational assessment process for children. Her research interests lie in child psychopathology, learning and language, and cognition and behaviour. She is currently studying an area understudied in the literature – the association between language and one or our more rudimentary cognitive processes in mathematics called the approximate number system.  


  • Number without Language? Developmental Pathways Among Language, Numeracy, and Executive Function

Jonathan Whitsitt (

Jonathan is an honours psychology (B.Sc.) major going into his fifth year of the program. He plans to complete a masters degree in Psychology upon graduation. His research interests in psychology are in the clinical, behavioural, developmental, and cognitive areas. Jonathan's honours thesis will examine the relation between social anxiety and executive function in adolescents and young adults.


  • Number without Language? Developmental Pathways Among Language, Numeracy, and Executive Function
  • Social cognition in Adolescents and Young Adults

Danisha Zaman (

Danisha is an honours psychology (B.Sc.) major going into her fourth year of the program. Her research interests include language and atypical development, specifically in relation to mood related disorders in children and adolescents. She plans to complete a masters degree in the field of psychology after completing her bachelors. She is looking forward to completing her undergraduate thesis under the guidance of Dr. Im-Bolter.


  • Number without Language? Developmental Pathways Among Language, Numeracy, and Executive Function
  • Development of the Test of Higher Order Language

Previous Project Coordinators/Psychometrists


Database Manager

Cassandra Aked, M.Sc. (

Cassandra graduated with an M.Sc. in Developmental Psychology from Trent University. Her master's thesis examined emotion regulation and social problem solving in adolescents and young adults (supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada). She also is a workshop leader for the Child and Youth Studies Program (CHYS) at Trent Durham GTA.  


  • Number without Language? Developmental Pathways Among Language, Numeracy, and Executive Function

Research Assistants/Psychometrists

Paige Pascoe, B.Sc. (

Paige Pascoe is returning to Trent to continue her master’s studies in Developmental Psychology. Her undergraduate thesis explored the importance of preschooler pretend play for the development of their academic abilities. For her master’s thesis, Paige looks forward to continuing to explore the importance of pretend play for cognitive development.


  • Number without Language? Developmental Pathways Among Language, Numeracy, and Executive Function

Emily Walker, B.A. (

Emily completed her Honours B.A. in psychology with an emphasis in education at Trent University. Her honours thesis investigated the relation between cognition and mathematics in elementary school aged children. Her research experiences have led her to be particularly interested in the relation between cognition and how children solve mathematical problems. Emily is looking forward to working towards her M.Sc. in developmental psychology under the co-supervision of Drs. Agostino and Im-Bolter.


  • Number without Language? Developmental Pathways Among Language, Numeracy, and Executive Function

Previous Research Assistants/Psychometrists


Computer Programmer

Taylor Strachan

Taylor feels fortunate to have been able to work with Dr. Im-Bolter and her lab during his time at Trent University (Durham GTA campus). As long as he can remember he has been fascinated with the following: Psychology, Consciousness, Computers, and Astronomy. In Psychology, in no specific order, his interests Include: cognitive, clinical, language, psychopharmacology, neuroscience, and statistics. In his spare time, he enjoys building and working with computers, powerlifting, reading, and going to the dog park with his chocolate Labrador. Upon completing his honours thesis this year, he hopes to attend Graduate School, travel, and further his knowledge of computers.


Lab Technician

Daniel McAdam-Wong

Daniel graduated from Trent University Durham GTA with an Honours B.Sc. in Psychology. Daniel’s interests in psychology are in the clinical, behavioural, developmental and cognitive areas; however, he is particularly interested in the relation between environmental and biological factors in the development of cognition and how it manifests into observable behaviours. His honours thesis examined theory of mind and social anxiety in late adolescence and early adulthood.



Nicole D'Angelo

Nicole is in her final year at Trent University. She is pursuing an Honours B.Sc degree in Psychology. She has an interest in psychology research and is happy to be a volunteer in the Language and Cognition lab. She plans on pursuing her dream of becoming a dentist. Nicole hopes to use what she has learned in psychology and apply it in the field of dentistry.

Michael Degeus


Nicolle Miller, M.A., RP

Nicolle is a graduate from Trent University with a Masters degree in Health Psychology. Her research included interventions for those in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. She has been working within this population through out her graduate degree and continues to work with clients with a wide variety of mental health issues. She specializes in substance abuse and is particularly interested in those with concurrent disorders, including anxiety and depression. Nicolle plans to pursue her doctorate degree in Psychology and will continue to explore new and innovative therapies.

Katherine Nocera

Katherine is an honours psychology (B.A.) major going into her final year of the program. She plans to complete a master’s degree in Psychology upon graduation. She enjoys studying areas of clinical, developmental, and social research. Her undergraduate thesis will examine the influence of parental involvement in an adolescent treatment program. Katherine is looking forward to volunteering in the lab and working on projects such as the “Test of Higher Order Language” project.

Raheleh Saryazdi, M.A.

Raheleh completed an Honours B.Sc at Trent University and her M.A. at the University of Toronto.  She is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Dr. Craig Chambers so she doesn't really have time to volunteer in the Language and Cognition lab but Dr. Im-Bolter likes to keep her here anyway.  Ever since she decided to forgo a career in reality television ("Problems of the Genius Undergraduate Student"), her fans have been lobbying for her return.

Previous Volunteers


Graduate Students

M.Ed. (Educational Studies: Trent School of Education)


Jaclyn Wong, B.A., B.Ed. (

Jaclyn completed her B.Ed. at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto and is currently working as an occasional teacher at the York Region District School Board. She also works as a co-project manager for a pilot initiative called the East Asian Youth Civic Activism & Wellness Project, which aims to explore topics such as cultural identity and social justice, and promote awareness of positive well-being amongst East Asian youth. Jaclyn enjoys volunteering as a workshop facilitator at school events and conferences. She looks forward to continuing her learning at Trent University and pursuing her interests in student development, mental health, and community building.

M.Sc. (Developmental Psychology)


Paige Pascoe, B.Sc. (

Thesis: TBA (supported by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship)


Laura de la Roche, B.A. (

Laura is currently in the first year of her M.Sc. Developmental Psychology program at Trent University. She graduated with an Honours B.A. in psychology from Saint Francis Xavier University in 2018, with her thesis focusing on mental health literacy in first year undergraduate students and the efficacy of a new mental health literacy resource. Currently she is focusing on parent-implemented interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). She is interested in the relation between specific parent factors, primarily parent stress, and progression in the child's communication skills. Outside of research she currently enjoys a position lecturing classes and workshops on various psychological topics for continuing education classes at Catharine Parr Traill College.

Thesis: Developing social skills: A pilot study of a parent-implemented intervention for children with ASD.

Cassie McCoy-Bullock, B.A. (

Cassie is beginning the second year of her M.Sc. in Psychology at Trent University. In terms of research, she is primarily interested in the cognitive processes that are involved in learning and decision making. Cassie’s Masters thesis will examine the role of components of language, such as semantic processing, in the numeracy skills of preschool aged children.

Thesis: Language and numeracy in preschool children


Janice Shewen, B.A. (  

Thesis: Oral language and the approximate number system

Emily Walker, B.A. (

Thesis: TBA (supported by an Ontario Graduate Scholarship)

(Co-supervisor: Dr. Alba Agostino)


Patrick Fox, B.Sc. (

Patrick graduated with an Honours B.Sc. in psychology from Trent University. If you want to know more about him ask his loony labmate Ashley Von Toohey.  She has lots of interesting stories.

Thesis: Exploring abstinence and harm reduction modalities of treatment for substance use disorders (supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research)

Ph.D. (Developmental Psychology: Trent-Queen's University)

Katharine Bailey, M.A. (

Thesis: Language, executive function, and social cognition in children with epilepsy (supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada)

Keely Owens-Jaffray, M.A. (

Thesis: Social problem solving, executive function, and affect in late adolescence and early adulthood.

Previous Graduate Students


Honours Thesis Students


Taylor Collins (

Taylor is a fifth year Trent student who is currently working towards completing a double major in Psychology (B.Sc) and Child & Youth Studies (B.A). Taylor's research interests include, but are not limited to, social and emotional development of children with previous exposure to trauma and factors that contribute to desistance from adolescent offending. Upon completion of an honours thesis, Taylor hopes to go on to complete her M.A. in psychology

Thesis: Figurative language in childhood

Natasha Kahler (

Natasha is a third year Honours BSc Psychology student at Trent who wishes to pursue further education in Psychology or related fields upon graduation. She previously studied Policing and Forensic Psychology, however her main interests remain working with individuals with mental health diagnoses. She has worked with individuals ranging from infant to senior for many years in recreation and instructional programs and has also provided assistance to individuals with special needs for multiple years. She is especially interested in eating disorders although her research interests include a variety of topics such as social cognition, executive function, and emotion regulation.

Thesis: Social anxiety and empathy


Logan Hamer (

Thesis: Social problem solving, empathy, and self-esteem in adolescents and young adults

Michelle Ryken (

Thesis: Social anxiety and social problem solving in adolescents and young adults

Jonathan Whitsitt (

Thesis: Social anxiety and executive function

Danisha Zaman (

Thesis: Social anxiety, emotion regulation, and inhibition.

Previous Honours Thesis Students


Practicum Students


Brooklyn Bujara

Kelsey Binger

Taylor Collins

Natasha Kahler

Meghna Raghavan

Meghna is in her second year at Trent and is working towards an Honours B.A. in Psychology and Child & Youth Studies. She is interested in developmental and abnormal psychology, and hopes to work with children.

Michelle Ryken

Michelle Spillane

Previous Practicum Students


Devoted Minions

Katherine Bailey (Head minion and Supreme Goddess)

Keely Owens-Jaffray (Foot and ankle minion)


The PIGs (Pretty Intelligent Girls)

Katharine Bailey

Keely Owens-Jaffray

Raheleh Saryazdi


Looney Labmates

Patrick E. Fox (Plain loon)


Raheleh Saryazdi (Assistant loon)


Ashley Von Toohey (Head loon)


Kickass Girls (2014-2015)


Charlie's Angels and Bosley (circa 2013)


Brain Trust Rumble 2013


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