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Unique Contribution to Archaeology Earns Spirit of Trent Award

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Unique Contribution to Archaeology
Earns Spirit of Trent Award

by Tony Storey '71

The 1998 Spirit of Trent Award has been awarded to Gordon Watson (MA Anthropology 1981).

After retiring from the Public Service of Canada in 1974, Gordon Watson studied at Trent University at the age of 58, graduating with an MA in anthropology.

For nearly 30 years he has amassed a collection of ancient native ground- stone tools, pottery shards and arrowheads while documenting 8,000 years of native history in the Rideau Lakes and Constance Bay areas of Eastern Ontario.

Recently Gordon donated his collection of more than 20,000 artifacts from 38 archaeological sites to the Museum of Civilization.

The Alumni Association honoured Gordon at a special luncheon on November 21, 1998 at Otonabee College. On hand to salute his accomplishments were Paul Healy, Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Professor Morgan Tamplin, Professor of Anthropology (one of Gordon's professors during his graduate work), Hermann Helmuth, Chair of the Anthropology Graduate Student program, Susan Mackle, Vice President Advancement, Tony Storey, Alumni Director, Paul Moore, Past President Alumni Association and Damian Rogers, Chair of the Alumni Recognition Committee.

Gordon Watson was also accompanied by family members - his wife Margaret, sons James and David Watson, daughter-in-law Lee-Anne Davidson, daughter Elizabeth Hill and grandsons Adam and Michael.

Damian Rogers outlined the background of the Spirit of Trent award and its emphasis on recognizing deserving alumni who continue in their lives and careers to demonstrate the values and lessons learned at Trent.

Paul Moore explained what inspired him to nominate Gordon after reading of his contribution of artifacts in an Ottawa Gazette article.

Professor Helmuth paid tribute to Gordon's work as a mature graduate student and the regard in which he was held by faculty and other students.

The guest of honour treated the luncheon guests to an exceptional acceptance speech. He recalled a charming anecdote in which he struggled to find an essential but elusive book for his research. He knew the author's name and nationality (Australian). Gordon called the Australian overseas operator, explaining that the author likely lived in Sydney or Melbourne. Finally the operator connected Gordon to a gentleman of the right name. "Did you write such and such book?", Gordon inquired. The gentleman was in fact the author. "Could you mail me a copy, please? I need it for my research at Trent!" The book arrived, the research got done and Gordon mentioned the story to his instructor, the late R.B. "Dick" Johnston. At their next tutorial Dick asked Gordon to repeat the story to his peers. Dick Johnston's final word to the class was a reminder that no-one need ever plead that they could not find a book as a defense of late assignments!

It was a further pleasure to watch a video filmed by community cable television in Ottawa which actually followed Gordon Watson to the site of a dig. Tributes from local colleagues included Canadian Museum of Civilization curator David Morrison, a Trent alumnus ('71). Morrison underscored the value and importance of Gordon's artifacts because they had been handled with proper scientific diligence. "I learned that at Trent", Gordon remarked to the luncheon guests.


The Alumni Association extends heartfelt congratulations to Gordon Watson. The accomplishments of Trent alumni are worthy of celebration and nominations of potential recipients are always welcome.

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