Trent Making Headlines – Student Success
Bare Bones
Education News Canada
Ten students from Forensic Science, Anthropology, and Archeology at Trent University Durham got hands-on experience working with real bones that were donated to the campus. The students aided in the disarticulation of the bones to be preserved for the Osteology course Trent Durham hopes to develop in the future.
Board Games for the Brain
Niagara Falls Review
Third-year Child and Youth Studies and Psychology joint major student John Smith shared his research on the psychological benefits of role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons for autistic individuals aged 13 to 19. John hopes to illuminate how board game play can improve the social skills of neurodiverse youth.
Deep Dive Discoveries
Sault This Week
Two Trent graduate students shared their insightful findings from their aquatic plant and milfoil stem collection survey of Clear Lake. Overall, the results from their week long study showed that the lake is well-naturalized, has manageable milfoil levels, and generally clear water. Their recommendations include encouraging a natural shoreline, and promoting water lily growth.
Scholarship Success
Lanark/Leeds Today
Future Trent archeology student, Orria Nielsen was awarded two high honour scholarships, which will aid her in her studies this fall. Among other high-achieving students headed to post-secondary, Orria won the Tay Valley History Scholarship as well as the MBC Community Scholarship.
Bridging Generations: Student Housing
Trent is among the first post-secondary institutions to partner with SharedSpaces to bring more housing opportunities to individuals. The program pairs a student with an older adult through a very rigorous process and allows both to benefit from shared housing. The program hopes to benefit the mental health of both age groups by fostering these intergenerational relationships.
Posted on August 1, 2024