Chemical Problem Solving Strategies

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Chemical Problem Solving Strategy Theory

A 'book-keeping' method for units in a calculation

Unit analysis helps avoid errors in a multi-step calculation and provides the units for the final answer.

Over all method of “unit analysis”:

1) Write the units with every number you include in a series of calculations

2) String your calculations together as a series of multiplications or divisions before doing any math

3) Cancel your units to see the calculation evolve
* Gives you a hint about the next step *

Calculations: Converting from One Unit to Another

Unit analysis:

A method that uses a conversion factor to convert a quantity expressed in one unit to an equivalent quantity in a different unit.

Conversion factor:

States the relationship between two different units.

original quantity x conversion factor = equivalent quantity

For example converting between length units

Given that 1 meter = 39.37 inches

Conversion factors \(\frac{1\,m}{39.37 \,\text{inches}} \,\text{or} \,\frac{39.37 \,\text{inches}}{1\,m}\)

The same relationship, just invert as necessary to give you the units you need!

So to take a simple example, if we needed to convert 69.5 inches into meters we could do the following

unit analysis calculations


The more you use the “long method” of converting units, the fewer errors you will make!

How many moles of oxygen atoms are there in a 10 mL volume of water?

What is being asked?

Given a volume can you calculate a number of atoms?

What data is provided?

Data: 10 mL of water

What do I need to know?

Need to know: water is \(H_{2}O\), density of water, molecular weight of water

How do I need to state the answer?

Answer in moles of oxygen O

Convert volume of water to moles of oxygen

Calculation is: Volume of \(H_{2}O\) \(\to\) mass of \(H_{2}O\) \(\to\) mols of \(H_{2}O\) \(\to\) mols of O

converting problem example

= There are 0.55 moles of oxygen atoms.

Always Check Units!


Problem Set

Chemical Problem Solving Strategy Problem Set

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Practice Problems

Chemical Problem Solving Strategy problem set

Problem Solutions

Chemical Problem Solving Strategy set solutions
