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Thin Line Between Sexual Fantasy and Reality in People with Psychopathic Traits: Trent University Psychologist

Dr. Beth Visser and student Victoria DeBow publish provocative study on psychopathic tendencies in Journal of Personality

In a new study entitled “Psychopathic Sexuality: The Thin Line Between Fantasy and Reality” published recently in the Journal of Personality, professor of Psychology at Trent University Durham Dr. Beth Visser and undergraduate student Victoria DeBow have shown that people with psychopathic traits are more likely to act on their sexual fantasies.

Through their research, conducted in collaboration with Julie Pozzebon, Tony Bogaert, and Angela Book of Brock University, Professor Visser and Ms.DeBow did a thematic analysis of the written sexual fantasies of 200 individuals. Prof. Visser noticed that some participants were stating, of their fantasies, “I would never do this in real life.” It occurred to Prof. Visser that people with psychopathic traits would not share that reluctance to engage in fantasized behaviours. A follow-up questionnaire study confirmed the Study 1 finding that people with psychopathic traits were more likely to fantasize about uncommitted, non-romantic sexual activity. Furthermore, the results indicated that such individuals were more likely to report having actually engaged in their fantasized behaviors, particularly when the fantasies were rated as sexually “deviant.”

“While there was an existing literature on psychopathy and sexual behaviour, there was a gap when it came to what people with psychopathic traits desire and fantasize about,” Prof. Visser said. “Our question was whether they were having sexual activity with anonymous and uncommitted partners because that’s what they wanted -- or because they lacked the empathy, kindness, and emotional depth to make a committed romantic relationship work.”

As a personality psychologist who is particularly interested in the “dark personalities,” Prof. Visser seeks to understand people who lie, manipulate and cheat. Ms. DeBow wanted to gain new understanding of all types of personalities as part of her undergraduate studies. They were both drawn to the project on sexual fantasies for its potential to provide insight into psychopathic behaviours.

Prof. Visser feels that this study is an important step within an exciting research program that prioritizes student involvement. “I'm glad that Trent values experiential learning for students because it can be really effective, for both graduate and undergraduate students,” she said. “The Psychology department at Trent University is very supportive of faculty and student research. I tend to have several research projects going on at any given time. As I know the students well at the Oshawa campus, I can get them involved in a project that particularly suits their interests.”

Through real-world research work in the field, Ms. DeBow gained field experience in personality research and statistics. As part of her research practicum, she earned the valuable opportunity to attend the Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference in 2012 to present Trent’s research.

Now with a co-author credit to her name, Ms. DeBow is especially proud of her role on the research project. “Professor Visser provided me with many opportunities to further my education, knowledge and understanding,” she said. “There were never any limits to what I was able to participate in and I believe this was one of the most beneficial experiences of my education.”

Posted on Tuesday, October 14, 2014.

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