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Psych prof funded for community research

Trent psychology researcher Dr. Elaine Scharfe is the principal investigator in a project that has been awarded $790,350. The project was one of 17 demonstration projects to receive funding from the Ontario Women's Health Council, Ministry of Health and Long-term Care. The announcement was made on April 11th.

Scharfe, her researchers and a group of local health care providers aim to reduce the percentage of women who experience postnatal mood disorders. Mothers-to-be and new mothers will be screened for symptoms of depression, then offered a number of options for treatment.

"This is a real community collaboration," said Scharfe, adding that it is a way to help local families, and the community, become healthier. "Research has shown that the mother establishes the climate for the whole family. If she is depressed it affects everyone, including the physical and emotional well being of her child, which in turn can have long-term repercussions for the community. One of the strengths of this project will be the ability to determine not only which interventions work to reduce depressive symptoms, but which of these successful interventions women choose and then report are effective for them," said Scharfe.

Women will be screened before their baby is delivered and again 48 hours following delivery, then at three weeks, 2-months and 6-months postpartum. Women who are identified at-risk for, or who are experiencing postnatal depression, will be informed of treatment options available in the community and given guidance and education to help them make an informed decision about available services.

In addition to Trent, the health-care collaboration includes the Peterborough County-City Health Unit, the Women's Health Care Centre and the Peterborough Family Resource Centre.

Providing information for women, their families and service providers is a key aspect of the project, ensuring access to an integrated continuum of supports and services.

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Last updated April 27, 2001