Archives: Forsey Labour Collection

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The Eugene Forsey Labour Collection consists of monographs and serials.

MonographsAbbati, A.H. Towards Full Employment (1945)

AFL-CIO Looks At Foreign Trade (1961)

American Enterprise Association: Guaranteed Employment and Wage Plans (1948)

American Newspaper Guild. The Newsprint Problem: Ten Questions and Answers by Clara H. Friedman (ca. 1948)

A History of Felony and Folly: The Record of Union Labor in Crime and Economics (1923)

Angel, Norman. Let the People Know (1943)

Atkins, William, E. Harold D. Lasswell. Labor Attitudes (1924)

The Australian Institute of Political Science. Productivity and Progress (1957)

Bakke, E. Wight and Kerr, Clark. Unions, Management and the Public (1949)

Berkowitz, Monroe, Bernard Goldstein, Bernard P. Indik. Reprint from Rutgers: The State Mediator: Background, Self-image, and Attitudes (1964)

Brown, Clark, Emily. National Labour Policy: Taft-Hartley After Three Years and The Next Steps (1950)

Burns, Arthur F.  Business Cycle Research and the Needs of Our Times: 33rd Annual Report (1953)

Butler, Arthur. The Relationship Between Public and Private Economic Security Plans (n.d.)

Canadian Association for Adult Education. Learning for Living: Pictures With a Purpose (1953)

Canadian Labour Congress. The Political Quarterly (1956)

Chase, Stuart. For This We Fought (1946)

Clarke, Nelson. Two Nations One Country: The Communist Proposals for a Democratic Solution of the Crisis of Confederation (1965)

Cohen, Haber E. Readings in Social Security (1948)

Cohen, K.C. Collective Bargaining in Canada (n.d.)

The Commerce Journal 1955 (1955)

Condliffe, J.B. and Stevenson, A. The Common Interest in International Economic Organisation (1944)

Congress of the Sixth Constitutional Convention. Final Proceedings (1943)

Coops – Democratic Means to Constructive Ends (n.d.)

Council of State Governments. The States and Their Older Citizens (1955)

Curtin, Katie. Women in China (1975)

Defense Mobilization. Third Quarterly Report to the President. Three Keys to Strength – Production, Stability, Free-World Unity (1951)

Defense Mobilization. Fourth Quarterly Report to the President. The Battle for Production (1952)

Defense Mobilization. 2nd Quarterly Report to the President. Meeting Defense Goals a Must for Everyone (1951)

Department Des Relations Industrielles De La Faculte Des Sciences Sociales De L’Universite Laval: Securite De La Famille Ouvriere, (1951)

Department Des Relations Industrielles De La Faculte Des Sciences Sociales De L’Universite Laval. Salaires Et Prix (1952)

Department Des Relations Industrielles De La Faculte Des Science Sociales De L’Universite Laval. Techniques des relations de travail (1949)

Department of External Affairs. Canada and the United Nations: 1952-1953 (1953)

Department of Labour.  Committees of Railroad Brotherhoods Supplement to Forth Annual Report on Labour Organization in Canada 1950-51 Edition (1951)

Department of Labour Canada. Collective Agreements in the Pulp and Paper Industry in Canada, 1944 (1945) (3 copies)                                                                                                                                 
Department of Labour of Canada. Twenty-Sixth Annual Report on Labour Organization in Canada: (For the Calendar Year 1936)  (1937)

Department of Labour Canada. Union Status in Collective Agreements in the Iron and Steel Industry in Canada, 1945 (1945) (3 copies)

Department of National Health and Welfare: Illness and Health Care in Canada, Canadian Sickness Survey, 1950-51

Department of National Health and Welfare: Mental Health Services in Canada (1954)

Department of National Health and Welfare. Voluntary Medical and Hospital Insurance in Canada (1955) (2 Copies)

Depratment of Northern Affairs amd National Resources (Canada). Forest and Forest Products, Statisttics-Canada. (1957)

Diebold, John. Automation: The Advent of the Automatic Factory (1952)

Dobb, Maurice. Soviet Economic Development Since 1917 (1948)

Ellis, Howard S. ed.: A Survey of Contemporary Economics (1948)

Bellamy. Equality (n.d.)

Fabricant, Solomon. Economic Progress and Economic Change: 34th Annual Report (1954)

Facci, Joseph. A Plan For a Democratic Public Opinion (1947)

Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States: From Colonial Times to the Founding of the American Ferderation of Labor (1947)

Forsey, Eugene. A. The George C. Nowlan Lectures: Our Present Discontents (1968)

Forsey, Eugene. Reconstruction: The First Steps (n.d.)

Forsey, E.A. Unemployment in the Machine Age: Its Causes (1936)

Galenson, Walter. Arnold Zellner. Institute of Industrial Relations: International Comparison of Unemployment Rates (1957)

Geneva International Labour Office. International Labour Conference 13th Session: Report of the Director-General (1947)

Grossman, Larry. Interprovincial Economic Co-operation: Towards the Development of a Canadian Common Market (1981)

Gutsell, B.V. Canada Department of Mines and Resources Geographical Bureau: An Introduction to the Geography of Newfoundland (1949)

Hacker, L.M., B.M. Selekman, R.T. Seward, W.J. Dickson, T.V. Smith. The New Industrial Relations (1948)

Hansard, Hazen, Donald D. Carrick, R. Bruce Taylor, A. Andras, I.M. MacKeigan. The MacQuarrie Report and the Reform of Combines Legislation (1952)

Hearings Before the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare United States Senate Eighty-First Congress (1949)

Hermes Automne. (1953)

Hikl, Mario: Labour Arbitration: Handbook for Canadian Union of Public Employees (n.d.)

Huberman, Leo: The Labor Spy Racket (1937)

Hum, Derek, P.J. Unemployment Insurance and Work Effort: Issues, Evidence, and Policy Directions (1981)

Indik, Bernard. P., Georgina M. Smith. Resolution of Social Conflict Through Collective Bargaining: An Alternative to Violence? (1969)

Industrial Division:Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Ottawa. A Fair Day's Output from a Fair Day's Work (1945)

Industrial Relations Section School of Commerce & Administration Queens University.  The Right to Organize: Recent Canadian Legislation (1943)

In Memory of Albert Thomas: Special Meeting of the Governing Body of the International Labour Office (1932)

Insights into Labor Issues (1948)

International Conciliation: The International Law of the Future. Postulates, Principles, Proposals (1944)

International Labour Office. Eighth Report of the International Labour Organization to the United Nations (1954)

International Labour Office: The Law and Practice Relating to Safety in Factories (1949)

International Labour Organization. Third Asian Regional Conference: Record of Proceedings Tokyo September 1953 (1954)

Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States (1944)

Kelly, George, Edwin H. Beachler. Man of Steel: The Story of David J. McDonald (1954)

Kelly, L.A. The Case for Automatic Adjustment Mechanisms in Unemployment Insurance (1968)

Kidd, J.R. Pictures With a Purpose [Adult Education] (1953)

Kimmel, Lewis, H. Taxes and Economic Incentives (1950)

La L-A-C Vos Droits Et Vos Obligations (1957) (2 Copies)

Labor and Nation.  U.S. Labor Policy at the Fork of the Road: Documentary Report on the Conflict in the Congress Over Labor Policy (1946)

Labor Research Department of the Rand School of Social Science. The American Labor Year Book 1923-24 (1924)

Landauer, Carl. Theory of National Economic Planning (1947)

Lauterbach, Albert. Can we have both? Economic Security and Individual Freedom (1948)

League of Nations Geneva.  Economic Intelligence Service: Wartime Rationing and Consumption (1942)

League of Nations. Economic Stability in the Post-War World: The Conditions of Prosperity After the Transition From War to Peace: Report of the Delegation on Economic Depressions Part II (1945)

League of Nations. Report on the Work of the League: 1941-1942 (1942)

League of Nations. Report on the Work of the League: 1942-1943 (1943)

League of Nations. The Transition From War to Peace Economy: Report of the Delegation on Economic Depressions Part 1 (1943)

Lens, Sidney. Left, Right and Center: Conflicting Forces in American Labor (1949)

Lester, Richard. A. Reflections on Collective Bargaining in Britain and Sweden (1957)

Lewis, David and Scott, Frank: Make This Your Canada - A Review of CCF History and Policy (1943)

Local No. 2, U.A.W.-C.I.O. and The Murray Corporation of America. Production Standards From Time Study Analysis: by Labor and Management (1942)

Main, O.W. The Canadian Nickel Industry: A Study in Market Control and Public Policy (1955)

McConnell, Stanley. And Deliver Us From Inflation (1957)

Medical Administrative Problems In Commerce and Industry (1948)

Michael, Donald N. Cybernation: The Silent Conquest  (1962)

Moulton, Harold. G. The Dynamic Economy: A Dialogue in Play Form (1950)

National Advisory Committee on the Employment of Older Men and Women: First Report (1953)

National Advisory Committee on the Employment of Older Men and Women: Second Report (1955)

New Tools for Learning About War and Postwar Problems (1943)

Ninth Constitutional Convention of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1947)

O’Brien, Jim, Jim Green, Paul Fisher, John Battye, David Frank, Greg Kealey and Ian McKay. A Guide to Working Class History (n.d.)

Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion Office of Temporary Controls [United States]. Guaranteed Wages (1947)

Ontario CCF.  Planning for Freedom: A Presentation of Principles, Policy & Program (1944)

Operation of Job Evaluation Plans (1947)

The Origins of the International Labor Organization (1934)

Pigors, Paul, Faith Pigors. Human Aspects of Multiple Shift Operations (1944)

Planning Committee for the Aging Welfare Council of Ottawa. Services for Ottawa’s Senior Citizens (1956)

Preparing and Presenting Arbitration Cases: Selected Addresses from the 1954 Conference on Arbitration & Labour Relations (1954)

Price, John. British Trade Unions and the War (n.d.)

Price, John. British Trade Unions: British Life & Thought

Problem of Unemployment (1943)

University of Buffalo. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Industrial Relations (1952)

University of Buffalo. Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Industrial Relations (1950)

Province of Quebec. Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Constitutional Problems: General Outline and Summary of Recommendations (1956)

Report of the Proceedings of the Forty-first Annual Convention of the American Federation of Labor (1921)

Report of the Superintendent of Insurance For Canada: Small Loans Companies and Money-Lenders (1959)

Research Council for Economic Security [United States]. Views and Ideas, Review of Recent Comments and Ideas on Aging (1955)

Research Department International Association of Machinists. What’s wrong with Job Evaluation (1954)

Rosen, Hjalmar. Ruth Alice Hudson. Union Practices and Policies – The Members’ View: A Preliminary Report (1952)

Royal institute of International Affairs: Defence in the Cold War (1950)

Senate. Labor-Management Relations In The Bell Telephone System: Report of the Committee of Labor and Public Welfare United States Senate (1951)

Senate Foreign Relations Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee. The European Recovery Program: Basic Documents and Background Information (1947)

Shister, Joseph. The Outlook for Union Growth (1963)

Shister, Joseph, William Hamovitch. Conflict and Stability in Labor Relations: A Case Study (1952)

Shister, Joseph. Trade-Unionism, Collective Bargaining, and Economic Growth (1954)

Sinclair, Upton: Oil! (n.d.)

Socialist Union. Socialism and Foreign Policy (1953)

Somerville, Henry. Employers and Workers: Studies in Industrial Relations and Vocational Organization (n.d.)

Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik Berlin. Statistical Pocket Book of the German Democratic Republic 1976 (1976)

Sufrin, Sidney, C. Union Wages & Labor’s Earnings (1950) (2 Copies)

Sullivan, Pat. Red Sails on the Great Lakes (1955)

Summers, Clyde. Disciplinary Procedures of Unions (1950)

Summers, Clyde. Disciplinary Powers of Unions (1950)

Summers, Clyde. Union Powers and Workers’ Rights (1951)

Suthers, R.B. Mind Your Own Business: The Case for Municipal Housekeeping (1938)

Supreme Court of Canada re British Columbia Hotel Employees. Case on Appeal (1 vol.) and 3 factum.

Supreme Court of Canada and Supreme Court of Nova Scotia: Respondent's Factum (re labour relations law)

Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions. Trade Unions and Full Employment (1953)

Symposium on Electronics and Automatic Production (1955)

Thomas, Albert [Dedication of a memorial to Albert Thomas, 1937]

To Amend the Railway Labor Act...Providing for Union Membership and Agreements for Deduction from Wages of Carrier Employees for Certain Purposes: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare United States Senate (1950)

Toynbee, Arnold. J. A Study of History (1947)

Tracey, Herbert. The British Trade Union Movement (1954

Tracey, Herbert. Trade Unionism, Its Origins, Growth, and Role in Modern Society (1952)

Trades Union Congress. Two Centuries of Trade Unionism (1953)

Transport and General Worker’s Union. The Union Its Work and Problems (1939)

Trant, William. Trade Unions, Their Origins and Objects, Influence and Efficacy (1915)

The U-I-A Its Rights and Obligations (1957)

United Electrical , Radio and Machine Workers of America. U.E. Guide to Wage Payment Plans Time Study and Job Evaluation (1943)

United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Automatic Technology and its Implications (1956)

United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Economic analysis of guaranteed Wages (1947)

United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Guaranteed Wage Plans in the United States (n.d.)

United States Department of Labor. Consumer Cooperatives (1957)

United States Department of Labor. Employment and Economic Status of Older Men and Women (1952)

United States Department of Labor. Job Performance and Age: A Study in Measurement (1956)

United States Department of Labor. Older Workers Under Collective Bargaining: Part 1 Hiring, Retention, Job Termination (1956)

United States Department of Labor. Older Workers Under Collective Bargaining: Part II Health and Insurance Plans, Pension Plans (1956)

University of California. A Progress Report of the Institute of Industrial Relations: 1945-1952 (n.d.)

Vorse, Mary Heaton: Labor's New Millions (1938)

Ware, Norman J,  H.A. Logan. Labor In Canadian-American Relations (1937)

Weaver, Geo. W. Economics for Workers (1942)

Webb, Sidney. Towards Social Democracy? A Study of Social Evolution During The Past Three-Quarters of a Century (1921)

We Discuss Canada: Study Outlines on Canadian Problems (1942)

Young Men’s Committee, National Council of Y.M.C.A.’s in Canada. Canada and the Four Freedoms (1944)


Institute of Industrial Relations (University of California). Publications 1947 to 1957 (31 items)

Filings on Behalf of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. 1952. (13 items)

Unemployment Insurance Commission, Ottawa, Canada. Annual Reports, (1947 to 1960 - incomplete)

Trade Union Information, No. 17, 1958 to No. 39, 1961 - incomplete)

Department of Labour. Labour Organization in Canada. Annual Reports, No. 30, 1940 to No. 41, 1952.

Canadian Transport. 4 issues 1958; 7 issues 1959; 12 issues 1960.

Canadian Labour (1981-1982, 35 issues)

Industrial Relations Memos (1948- 1952; 12 issues)

Dominion Bureau of statistics. Canadian Sickness Survey, 1950-51 (11 volumes on various subjects pertaining to health)