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Physics 209 - 2007-Summer

There isn't much here right now - and there will not really be much here later either, since all of the course material is available via WebCT.

Dates and other info can be found at the JBC website.

Classes are on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the lab room SC 305.

A PowerPoint presentation of the first day's activities is available in various formats: powerpoint (9 Meg), web, pdf (4.5 M), 4-per-page pdf (4.5 M), 9-per-page pdf (4.5 M). Note that some of the audio files are from a prior year's instructor, John Earnshaw, so they might not all make a lot of sense...

The first of the daily homework assignments is listed in Assignment 0, and the first day's introductory activities are availble as Intro-exercises.pdf. Also of possible interest is a tentative course syllabus: 209-syllabus-Summer-2006.pdf

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